How do you feel good as an illustrator?
Different approaches from illoguild illustrators
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We are an international group of children’s book illustrators, who learn and grow together. Each month we answer an illustration question, that we find both important and meaningful.
This month we share our thoughts on:
How do you feel good as an illustrator?
As an illustrator, creative person and human being we all face mental health challenges from time to time - like feeling like our art is not ‘good enough’, handling a rejection from a publisher or even an existential crisis.
Let’s see what the illoguilders have to say on this topic…
Adam Ming talks about the illustration journey from doubt to delight and accomplishment.
Jen Gubicza discusses feeling good and how to keep going in the face of rejection.
Damjana Loddelina covers dealing with self- doubt as an artist.
Katie Stack shares her views on feeling bad about her art
Carla Hoffenberg gives her top 10 tips to feel good as an illustrator.
Jennifer Jamieson shares how she keeps on going and celebrates along the way.
Tammy shares how she combats feeling bad.
Brenda Harris shares what she’s learned from 40 trips around the sun.
And finally, a quote from Dolly Parton who just says it best:
“Find out who you are and do it on purpose.”
Keep going friends, keep going.
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Please leave a comment - we would love to hear your tips on feeling good as an illustrator.